In response to rising threats governments across the world are increasing border surveillance to enforce their homeland security and counter criminal activities. HD video surveillance is a key part of a multi-layered approach involving video, audio, radar, and sensors (thermal, vibration) that combine to give a complete border protection and surveillance system. The real-time video provides enhanced safety, reduced cost and more effectively helps to stop border incursions.
A system built around the HDAV2000KLV supports a single HD-SDI input channel for HD video surveillance data for inspection and recording and 4x NTSC/PAL/RS-170 video channels for SD sources. KLV data from external sensors can be extracted from VANC embedded metadata on the HD-SDI input and inserted into the H.264 transport stream. The H.264 streams can be streamed to a remote control station for real-time monitoring and stored to local disk for evidential purposes.