Aircraft Cockpit Display Upgrade

cockpit stanag3350 displayVideo-capable sensors such as radars, FLIR, or video-guided missiles often provide a STANAG 3350 video output. Aircraft incorporating these sensors employed analog CRT STANAG 3350 displays at the time they were manufactured. Since then, both display and sensor technology have progressed.

AMP ScanVerter series permit cockpit displays or sensors to be upgraded with current digital technology while retaining compatibility with legacy STANG 3350 components retained on the aircraft.

The application shown below synchronously records video, embedded metadata and cockpit audio. Recordings and live preview of the complete operating scenario is available to mission personnel and commanders.

System Details

cockpit stanag3350 display system detailsIn this application, an aircraft’s capability is enhanced by adding new sensor technology.

An AMP ScanVerter board permits this upgrade of capability without requiring any changes to the cockpit display layout.

Products Used


STANAG3350, RS343 to HDMI/DVI converter


Stanag3350-to-VGA converter


STANAG3350, RS343 to PAL/NTSC/RS-170 converter


VGA-to-PAL/NTSC/RS-170 converter


HDMI/DVI-to-VGA converter
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