Advanced Micro Peripherals (AMP), a world leader in the design and development of ultra-low latency, high throughput embedded video, will be showcasing a selection of its latest video-enabling boards at the industry’s ‘shop window’, Embedded World, February 26-28th in Nuremberg.
AMP will be joining with Delta Components, its German distributor, and will be displaying six of its market leading products from its highly successful range of frame grabbers throughout the duration of the show.
Lee Foss, AMPs founder and CEO, who will be attending the event said: “All our video encoding and decoding cards achieve the gold standard in terms of quality, reliability, durability and application. Each one reflects our commitment to bringing forward industry leading products that solve actual problems and which can be adapted and deployed into the most demanding of environments with a minimum of delay.”
The six highlighted products are:
The H264ULL-Decoder which is being launched at Embedded world, is an ultra- low latency, high throughput quad channel, H264 decoder on a single PCI-104 for factor board and provides a powerful solution for decompressing up to 4 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (Part 10) encoded streams to analog NTSC/PAL composite displays.
The H264ULL-Decoder really comes into its own when teamed with AMPs suit of other low-latency H264 encoder products. For example, when the H264ULL-Decoder is paired with a card such as the powerful H264-ULL-SD4, the result can be used to create a low latency video streaming solution with a glass-to-glass latency of fewer than 100mS.
The microH264-D4 is a four channel, full frame rate H264 codec on a single Type III mini PCI module and offers high quality, real-time video and audio capture and compression. It is ideal for law enforcement, remote video surveillance and asset monitoring.
Perfect for remote moving platforms, remotely guided vehicles and remote video surveillance, AMP’s H264ULL-Encoder is an ultra-low latency quad channel H264 encoder on a single PCI-104 for factor board and offers a powerful and flexible solution to capturing and compressing up to four analog video inputs at full size and frame rate.
AMPs HDAV2000 is based on the company’s well established world leading technology and is a low latency, high powered video and audio encoding solution and is ideally suited to remote moving platforms, vehicle cameras, traffic monitoring and control and multi camera systems.
The MPEG4cPCI is the preferred choice where high-quality, real time video and audio capture is a pre-requisite. It can retain up to four concurrent analog video inputs to MPEG4 at full resolution and frame rates. The MPEG4c PCI is ideal for multi camera security video acquisition and analysis, vehicle based codec, medical archiving etc.
Capable of capturing and compressing up to eight analog video inputs at full size and frame rate, the H264-PMC8 is an eight channel H264 codec on a PMC Mezzanine format card. It also allows high quality, real time video and audio capture and compression from NTSC/PAL video sources to disc. The H264-PMC8 is optimal for use in asset monitoring, remote video surveillance, electronic news gathering and situational awareness.